On Monday 11th March, 15 students from Canowindra High School travelled to the Dubbo Aquatic Centre to compete in the Western Area Swimming Trials. Students had met qualification times based off their CHS swim carnival times. The Canowindra students’ level of effort and performance was outstanding with various personal best times broken on the day.
To qualify for the Combined High School, NSW State Championships students had to place in the top three positions. Various students achieved this on the day and should be congratulated on their performance.
Congratulations to the following students for qualifying for the State Championships:
• Ava Thornberry: 100m Butterfly, 50m Freestyle, 100m Freestyle, 100m Breastroke.
• Harper Watson: 100m Freestyle, 100m Breastroke
• Hannah Gordon: 100m Backstroke
Well done also to Marlee Ryan, Lucy Neville, Haylee Stanbury, Mack Dalziell, Nic Gordon, Claire Neville, Bella Gordon, Emily Thomas, Ben McMahon, Jack Miller and Harry Duguid who also performed well on the day.
Canowindra High entered various relay teams on the day, looking to match it with some much bigger schools. The under 13 Girls consisting of Marlee Ryan, Lucy Neville, Haylee Stanbury and Ava Thornberry set the pool on fire and finished first overall beating their overall time from previous years.
The Open Girls Relay team looked to follow on, Hannah Gordon, Claire Neville Emily Thomas and Bella Gordon put up a strong challenge against some fast teams narrowly missing a place position.
Not to be outdone, the Open Boys team of Jack Miller, Ben McMahon, Sam Bullock and Harry Duguid swam into second position earning themselves a ticket to the State Championships.
Finally, the School 12 x 50m team hit the water hoping to finish in first and earn themselves a trip to Sydney. They got off to a fast start leading other schools for a good portion of the race. After a strong performance they finished second overall and narrowly missed a qualifying spot. All 12 swimmers did an amazing job which madefor an exciting event.