Local artist Sue Hodge is excited to announce a new event to celebrate the 2024 Canowindra Balloon Festival: “Balloon Week Art & Sculpture Competition – for Kids & Youth”.
This is an opportunity for children aged 4-17 to show their creative flare. “I’ve taught art now to children in Canowindra for 8 years. I know there are heaps of talented children around” says Mrs Hodge.
There are three entry sections in the Competition. Visual art (eg painting, sketching), Sculpture, and Lego Creations. All entries must relate to the “Hot Air Balloon” theme.
There will be some great prizes presented to the winners of three different age brackets.
Exhibition works will be on display for the Balloon Festival week at the Canowindra Connection Centre, 38 Blatchford St. This will enable visitors to our town to see what creative talent we have amongst our young people.
Opening night is Friday 19th April at 6pm when competition winners will be announced, and prizes presented. The awards are thanks to the sponsorship of Delice Café, The Bower Bird, Age of Fishes Museum, and Captain Barnacles Ventures.
Entry forms can be picked up from the offices of the three local schools, the Connection Centre, Melissa Barbers Café and the Age of Fishes Museum.
On top of all that there will be workshops offered on the Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday of the Balloon Week. Sue will facilitate workshops sessions on paint pouring, how to make a paper mache hot air balloon and landscape painting in acrylic.
Entry into the competition is free but each workshop session will cost $20 per child. Age and group size limitations will apply. For more information and workshop bookings contact Sue Hodge on 0419 571 765.