The Editor,
I write for 2 reasons.
The first is to encourage all men over 45 to have a simple blood test as a prostate gland health check. Prostate cancer is one of the most diagnosed cancers for men, but unfortunately too frequently identified too late. The PSA test (Prostate Antigen Test) is not fully supported by the College of General Practitioners, so many GPs won’t request this test routinely.
Women have scheduled PAP smears and mammograms, people over 50 have bowel cancer screening, but there is no recommended prostate health check schedule.
I know in my own case, being a 70 year old man who developed urinary symptoms 2 years, ago I was told it was ‘the old man’s problem’, refused a PSA (“there are too many false positives”), and prescribed passive medication for an assumed benign condition. As symptoms became more severe last year I was referred to a urologist, immediately underwent a PSA test and a biopsy, to find I had developed cancer of the prostate which had been growing slowly over several years. An earlier PSA may have shown elevating PSA levels for age, and even if the PSA was a false positive result, earlier examination may have enabled better treatment options.
Men, please don’t allow yourself to be in a preventable terminal condition, when early intervention is available. Don’t ask for the PSA, tell your GP you want it, and monitor it every 5 years. If you care for your family GET IT DONE.
The second reason for this letter is to advise my clients that because of my cancer treatment I am now increasingly unable to fully be involved in my business “Tablelands Premier Meats” and am seeking expressions of interest from persons wanting to secure and continue this in-demand private livestock-processing business. The business is in good standing and has been operating successfully for over 12 years and can continue to do so.
I currently, have loyal, skilled and well qualified staff operating the business and thank my staff and our many clients for their ongoing support. It is still ‘business as usual”.
We will be holding an information / open day after Easter to provide further information to those would like to consider this opportunity. Please email your interest to register.
Stephen Tamplin