To the Editor,
Katy Burchell ACA Counsellor, BA Hons Psychology, BA Fine Art, Grad Certificate TESOL, has just spent three months at Canowindra Community Health as part of her Masters in Counselling.
During Katy’s clinical placement at Canowindra and affiliated facilities her focus was working with clients in a strengths base approach to find opportunities for clients to change thoughts and behaviours for healthy living into the future. Some modalities that were put into place included creative therapies, acceptance and commitment therapy and always a person centred therapeutic approach and often trauma informed approaches supported by a feministic theoretical understanding.
Katy and here supervisor Jennifer Townsend, Social Worker, adapted work with cycle of violence, self – compassion, cognitive processing therapy, cognitive behavioural therapy and everything geared towards bringing relevant information into present so clients could observe, re-prioritise thoughts, behaviours and feelings.
The Community Health Team thank Katy for her valuable input.