Newmont Cadia (Cadia) has welcomed a suite of reports from the NSW Environment Protection Authority (EPA), following an extensive program of environmental testing across the Cadia district throughout 2023 and 2024.
The reports, released on 22nd August 2024, address key community concerns regarding surface water, groundwater and air quality in the community.
The EPA reports confirm that the air and water quality around Cadia is good and Cadia does not have any material negative environmental impact to its surroundings.
Cadia believes this is attributable to its adherence to strict environmental standards, ensuring protection of local water sources, air quality and the broader ecosystem.
Newmont Cadia’s Manager – Environment and Social Performance, David Coe, welcomed the EPA results, which aligns with the site’s comprehensive monitoring and reporting program.
“At Cadia, our commitment goes beyond compliance – it’s about fostering a partnership with our community to ensure a healthier, more sustainable future for everyone,” Mr Coe said.
“As stewards of this land, we are dedicated to preserving its integrity and the wellbeing of those who call it home.
“We don’t just listen; we act, and we stand by our promise to protect the environment and support a thriving community.”
For more detailed information visit the EPA website: Cadia’s website can be found here: